Friday, October 3, 2014

How To Avoid a Shark Attack by Chase Ohran

How To Avoid a Shark Attack

by Chase Ohran

What you need           What you want
fist                               Shark cage, bang stick, life jacket, harpoon.           

Are you scared of the ocean because of the sharks? Well are you? If you are than read this how to. Once you are done I bet that you won’t be scared of the ocean.

  1. Don’t  go too far  from shore because not that many sharks go too close to shore. If you do go too far from shore and a shark bites you then try to punch it in the eye or close to the eye because the eye is a sharks weak spot.
  2. If you are cut than stay out of the water because sharks can smell one drop of blood from a mile away. If you start to bleed than get out but if you see someone bleeding than stay out of the water.

  1. If you have a bang stick than don’t use the bang stick as a toy. If a shark is coming for you then use it.
  2. Don’t touch a shark they like their space. If you do touch a shark then swim away as fast as you can to shore.

  1. Don’t go swimming at dawn because sharks hunt at night. If you do than I can not help you just swim at your own risk.
  2. Don’t swim without a buddy because shark might bite you. If you do swim with a buddy  then thats good for you.
  3. Don’t swim with shiny jewels sharks think you are a shiny fish.

Well we meet again. Are you still scared of the ocean? Well if you are scared then thats bad. But if you are not than I was right.             THE END.

How To Draw a Simple Stick Figure by Truman

How To Draw a Simple Stick Figure Do you know how to draw a stick figure?It is really cool when you know how to make one.If you don’t know how here you go. You will need paper,pencile,eraser,colord pencile or cranes.First,  Draw legs.Al lyou need to do is draw a straight line as long as your pinky.That is going down. Second,draw a oval as big as you wan’t.Don’t draw the oval  bigger then the page.Draw the oval over the legs. Third,draw two straight lines right next to  the oval.Make sure they are going out words.Then draw little lines on the tip of you arms for the fingers. Forth,draw a neck.draw a little as big as you pinky nail.On top of  the oval. After that,draw the head. Draw a little circle as wide as your index finger.Then dram two dots in the circle for the eyes you can draw the mouth. Now you can make your own stick figure.Plus you can make a stick figure when  ever and where  ever you  wan’t.You can color it too.




By Kate Mauerman

Can you make fun things like WALLETS, with duct tape? If you don’t know how, don’t feel bad, I’ll show you how.
First you will need; 1 roll of duct tape, scissors, and a nail.
Now you are ready to start.
  1. Find the start of the roll. Unroll a strip of duct tape that is the length of your arm from your shoulder to your wrist.
  2. Cut out the duct tape you just pulled out.
  3. Put the nail in the middle of the piece of duct tape. This helps you remember where the middle is. And helps you fold it.
  4. Take one side of the duct tape and fold it over the nail until both sides are even.
  5. Take your scissors and cut out your nail.
  6. Do these steps at least four times.
  7. Once you have those five pieces of duct tape, take two of the pieces and tape the two sides and the bottom.
  8. Next, take the other two pieces of duct tape together the same way.
  9. Next, duct tape the two ends together and the bottoms together.
  10. Last, but not least, fold it in half length wise and crease it.
  11. If you want to make pockets, unfold the wallet.
  12. Take your roll of duct tape and pull it from the tip of your finger to your wrist.
  13. Take your nail and put it at the end. (Closer to the roll of duct tape.)
  14. Take your duct tape roll and pull your piece of duct tape a little bit longer and even it with the other side of duct tape.
  15. Take one side of the duct tape and fold it over the other side.
  16. Cut out the nail.
  17. Next, get your roll and pull it out again. From your wrist to your fingers.
  18. Next, cut it.
  19. Do this three times until you have three pieces of duct tape.
  20. Take your three pieces of duct tape and put them on the piece of duct tape that you just cut the nail out of.
  21. Make sure you put these pieces of tape on the bottom and the two sides.
  22. Next, take the piece of duct tape that you just taped, and tape it to the wallet so the side that wasn’t taped is facing up.
There you go, your own wallet! Now you can make one any time you want!!!

How to Build a Snowman by Brevin Theurer

How to Build a Snowman
Brevin Theurer

You can make a family of snowmen.

14 pieces of Coal
2 Gloves
2 Sticks

Step 1 - Make a big ball of snow by packing and rolling it.
Step 2 - Make a medium ball of snow and then a small ball of snow.
Step 3 - Put the medium ball of snow on top of the big ball.
Step 4 - put the small ball on top.
Step 5 - Put 2 pieces of coal in the middle of the large ball, and one piece on the medium one.
Step 6 - Put 6 pieces of coal on the small ball in the shape of a smile.
Step 7 - Put 2 pieces of coal on the small ball where the eyes go.
Step 8 - Put 1 piece of coal on as the nose.
Step 9 - Put the sticks on the medium ball as arms, and put gloves on at the end of the sticks.
Step 10 - Put the Hat and Scarf on the small ball.

There you go, you have your snowman.  Now you follow the steps over and over again until you have as many snowmen as you need for your family.  Now you have a family of  snowmen!

How to Draw a Snowman By: Dallas Nixon

How to Draw a Snowman
By: Dallas Nixon

       Do you know how to build a snowman? If you don’t know or already know, I will show you. It is fun to make one. The things you will need are sticks, a carrot, raisins, and a lot of snow.
First, roll up a fat ball of snow. Then roll up a smaller ball of snow. Put that snowball on top of the bigger ball. Then, roll up an even smaller ball and put that on the previous ball.
After that, get the sticks and put them on the sides for the arms. Later, put the raisins on the face for the eyes and on the belly for the buttons. Then, put the carrot on the face for the nose.
Finally, you have your snowman. I bet it was fun to make and guarantee you will want to build another one soon. Also, when you are done with it you can run over it!





 These are directions for sketching a custom car. You will need to gather some materials. The things you will need are paper, pencils, markers, light box, and stencils.
First, place stencil on light box. Then, place paper over that. Trace shapes for the wheels, tires, windows, body shape, and lights. Remove paper from light box and place on newspaper on a table. Use markers to add detail and color. Some details that you can add are: shadowing, stripes, door handles, wheel designs, under car lights, decals, and logos.

When you finish sketching, you will have an awesome car drawing!

How to Make a Paper Airplane by Fisher

How to Make a Paper Airplane

My dad taught me how to make a paper airplane.  The planes are fun to play with.  And the plane is fun to build.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                What you need : A paper, colored pencils, markers,crayons, and a hard surface, if you  want to color. First get your paper. Then fold the paper in half hotdog or horizontal style. Then unfold the paper.

Then grab the top right corner and fold the paper down into the corner of the paper.  Now do the same on the left corner. Then fold the top middle point into the middle of the paper, fold the top right corner into the middle of the paper, do the same to the left corner. After that fold the little point in the middle of the paper up. Then fold the paper in half. Then fold the winged shaped thing down about 2 inches, do the same thing on the other winged shape thing. There you go now in the middle there’s a triangle shaped thing.  Hold that and throw the airplane. Finally you're done you can play with the airplane now.  Now you know how to make a PAPER AIRPLANE.