Monday, April 20, 2015

Western Diamonback by Kohen

Western Diamondback

Hi my name is Kohen. My animal is Western Diamondback. Cool right. It weighs about 5 lb. How long it is 3-5 feet. They are black, gray and white. Features about my animal. Heavy bodied snake. It has a triangular shaped head. What it eats. Mice, rats, rabbits and gophers. Ground dwelling birds. lizard and small animal. Where it lives. The continents it lives in. It lives in north America. The Countries it lives in. It lives in a lot of places, like America, Mexico. Habitat it would live in grass land.
Next, How it travels. They can jump sometimes. They can go really really really fast. Sounds it makes.It sounds like a rattle. A big Western Diamondback has a loud loud rattle. Middle rattle : little snake. How it lives. Span 15-20 years. Alone not in groups. Size 3-5 feet long. Western Diamondback bathe in the sun. Their house is under a shrub and lots of things.

last of all, how it affects people. There are snake skin boots. They help people by eating mice and rats. They use snake poison to make medicine for snake bites. Here are some interesting facts. Rattlesnakes are poisonous. They are reptiles. They bite with poison. This is going to be awesome!!! A Western Diamondbacks rattle goes 60 times per second. The Western Diamondback is made of keratin.

Horses by Hannah

BY: Hannah Gubler The Amazing Horse
My animal is the horse. Let me tell you what i know about the animal the horse. I know that they niegh and they have a mane. A mane is the hair on the back of their head and neck. Also I know that they walk, canter, gallop, and trot. Lastly I know that people have been riding horses for a long time.
I found out that the height of a horse is shorter than a school bus. Also the weight is lighter than a piano. Horses are usually brown, copper, white, blonde, black, grey, or painted. Features of a horse are the mane, tail, and hoofs.
A horse is a herbivore. That means they only eat plants like grass, oats, carrots, and apples. Sometimes for a treat they can eat sugar cubes. An average 1,000 lb horse needs 20 to 25 lbs of feed a day. Horses have a small stomach so they eat a little bit of food at a time but eat lots of meals a day. We only have three meals a day but horses like to graze.
Horses live in many places but they mostly live in 6 continents. They do not live in Antarctica because it’s too cold and because there’s not enough grasses. The first horse fossil was from 50 million years ago and it was the size of a dog. Horses were a lot more common in the wild a hundred years ago compared to now. The habitat of a horse is forests and fields.
Horses like to walk, trot, canter, and gallop. To trot is like a slow job while a gallop is a fast run. A canter is faster than a trot and slower than a gallop. In the wild horses travel in groups called herds becuase thay do not like to travel alone. This is because if a predator is coming the group fights them off instead of having one horse fighting. The sounds a horse makes is it neighs, and growls. When a baby foal is born they squeal.
In the past horses were mostly used to travel. Now we use horses in America as pets, work animals and for fun. Some people use horses on ranches to get around. In some countries they use a horse for food and their skins for clothes. That is a sad thing.
Interesting facts about the horse is that when horses are scared they run away. When baby foals are born they are fast enough to run with the rest of the herd. They can run really fast when they are brand new!! Also their ears tell how they are feeling. If a horse is curious the ears are forward. Because their eyes are on the side of their head they can see 360 degrees or a whole circle around them.
In conclusion, I wanted to know why they have horse shoes.  I learned that they need shoes just like us to protect their feet. Also, why do they run so fast. They run fast because they have more legs than us. Some quotes are: quarter horses can start, stop and turn very quickly if they are told to do so. Also, all horses are very fast over short distances.

Giraffes by Janie

Janie Norris
 I learned a lot about giraffes. I chose the giraffe , because I like them . Plus I wanted to learn more about them. I knew a lot about giraffes before I learned about them. Here are the things I knew they had a  purple tongue and they had brown spots. Also, that they have the longest neck out of all the animals in the world ! I think that is awesome! I also knew that it was the tallest mammal. It is also a herbivore . The things I want to know about giraffe is what do they eat? What do giraffes eat? Plus,  how many feet their neck is, and how long do they live ? Also, how long they live?
   Did you know what a giraffe looks like? Well what me tell you what they look like. Did you know that when a newborn is born it is only 1.8 meters . An adult female giraffe is 4.6 meters and a male adult giraffes is 5.2 meters . A giraffes weight  can be between 1750 pounds to 2008 pounds. A giraffes skin is light brown, and they have dark brown spots. Some of a giraffes features are a very, very, very, long neck. Plus, it has a really long tongue. Cool! It also has spots.
    Do you know what a giraffes eat? Well a giraffe is a herbivore. They also eat tender leaves and buds. They also eat flowers.Fruit that grows in that season and Evergreen by the river or stream. Also, there is one more thing acacia leaves. So very cool!
    Giraffes live only on one continent . That continent is Africa . Some places they live in  Africa are : Chad , South Africa , Niger, and Somalia. Also, a giraffe’s habitat is grassland . Another one of their habitat is a savanna and Drywood ! That is pretty cool!
    I know how I giraffe travels, what it makes and how it lives. A giraffe sometimes gallups. Plus, it can jump 5 feet . Did you know a giraffe makes no sound although it does make noises . Plus, it has a good larynx. A giraffe can snort, hiss, and grunt. I will teach you how a giraffe lives. One way a giraffe lives is alone or they live in very small and loose groups. They also live with a younger male until it is matured.
Do you know how a giraffe effects people? Well I will tell you how humans use them. I learned that a giraffes tail gives good luck. Some people cut the tail of the giraffe off for good luck.  I guess they are also good for meat. Also, a giraffes skin is used for making coats. So a giraffe is used for food, clothing, and luck. That is three things.
Now I will tell you interesting facts about giraffes. A giraffe's legs are taller than most humans. Giraffe have to spread their legs apart to get a drink because their neck will not reach the ground because they are so tall. A giraffe only needs to sleep 5 to m30 minutes everyday. Giraffes only need to drink every few days to  eat so many leaves. Nicole Helget wrote “Scientes think that giraffes are able to see in color.” also, a giraffe spends  almost all of its life standing. Nicole  Helget also wrote “ In 1909, President Theodore Roosevelt led a safari to Africa. He was attacked by a giraffe, whose hooves missed his head by a few inches.” Plus, a giraffe is the tallest mammal on earth.  “The blue black color of the giraffe’s tongue keeps it from getting sunburned, as the tongue is exposed to the sun while the giraffe eats.”  Nicole also put in her book.

In conclusion, giraffes are unique and interesting animals.  I learned that a giraffe only needs 5 to 30  minutes of sleep a day.  Also, giraffes are only native to Africa.  Plus, I did not know that a giraffe’s tail is good luck.  Giraffes make no sound. A giraffe weights between 1,750 pounds to 2,008 pounds.  I also learned what a giraffe eats.  I will tell you one of the things-leaves.  Plus, a giraffe lives about 25 years.  Also, a giraffe’s neck is 2.8 meters.  Lastly, giraffes do run.  I hope you love giraffes now.

Leopards by Dallas


I did research on leopards. I chose leopards because they are cool animals. They are group animals. Leopards are my favorite animals.
Leopards are orange, white, black, and yellow. They weigh 66-176 pounds. Leopards are 7-10 feet tall. They are spotted and have whiskers. They can run 33-45 miles per hour.
What leopards eat are impala, deer, monkeys, rodents, gazells, birds, zebras, wild beasts and porcupine. Those are all the animals they eat. Leopards are big predators.
Leopards live in Asia, India, China and Africa. They live in jungles mostly and  mountains and grassy areas. They are almost extinct.
Leopards always travel with a group of other leopards. Leopards walk on their legs and purr. Leopards live in big groups.
They affect people in a few ways. Thousands of people are using leopard skin as jackets and they are being used as pets.
Interesting facts about leopards are that jungles are the best hunting place for leopards. A lot of leopards live near cities. Humans are their most dangerous enemies and leopards are great tree climbers.
Victor Gentle and Janet Perry wrote that “leopards are most endangered species right now. Leopards are one of the best tree climbers in the world.” Leopards are my favorite animal.
In conclusion, I learned that leopards are good tree climbers. Leopards can run 33-45 miles per hour. Leopards live in big groups of other leopards and grow to be 7-10 feet tall.

by Dallas Nixon

Friday, April 17, 2015

Super Seahorses by Madi

Super Seahorses
            Would you like to learn about super seahorses? Huh, what is that? No, not superheroes, they are just awesome! I already knew that they live in coral reefs in warm tropical waters, and that they swim upright. I wanted to know what they ate and how they reproduce. You might be wondering about them too. Read more and your questions will be answered.
            Do you know what seahorses look like? Seahorses are 4-5 inches tall and weigh about 6-7 ounces. Sara Swan Miller says, “These seahorses are well camouflaged and blend in with their surroundings.” Their fins are so small and thin they are almost transparent!
            A seahorse eats krill and shrimp. They are carnivores! I will bet you one dollar that you did not know they ate meat! Uhhhh . . . . . if you did know that I owe you one dollar.
            They live all around North and South America in warm shallow waters. I could not find what countries they live in though. You could probably find them in the ocean in California, maybe, I do not know, probably. They get around by swimming through the ocean with very little fins.
            Next up, what do seahorses sound like? This is weird, but they actually growl to scare their predators away. If you do not believe me, just see National Geographic! They live in groups called herds, just like horses! See a connection? Do you?
            We capture them and put them in aquariums and sometimes we dry them for decoration! Some seahorses just get washed up on shore and get dried up by the sun and people find them, but still!
            One interesting thing about them is that the male seahorse has the babies. Another interesting fact, they live up to 3 years old. Potbellied seahorses look like their pregnant, and when they are pregnant they are even fatter! Also, their scientific name is Hippocampus. Their little fin swishes over 35 times per second. There are over 40 different kinds of seahorses. They have over 100 babies. Sara Swan Miller says, “But seahorses have no stomachs. The food goes from the mouth to the intestine… If they are deprived of food even for a short time, they will die”

            Now you know about seahorses! I think they are interesting. If you do not like seahorses still, I feel sorry for you because I love them.

Beavers by Kate


I picked beavers for my report. I picked them because they are interesting.Beavers build dams their home is called a lodge.They cut down lots of trees , in fact their the world’s second champion chomper. Back then beavers could grow more than 8 feet. Baby beavers 15 inches 38 centimeters long. Beavers are brown with  long black tails. A beaver tail is about 12 to 30 centimeters long  and 15 to 18 centimeters  wide. A beaver also has sharp teeth to help it cut wood.
Beavers do not eat very many different things. They are herbivores, which means they eat lots of plants. They eat lots of twigs and leaves.
A beaver lives on the continent of North and South America. You can find them almost anywhere in Canada. Their habitat is in fresh water. The book said, “their homes are lodges, dome like construction built from branches and mud.”
Beavers walk on four legs. They make sound by slapping their tail in the water. This warns other beavers of predators. Beavers live in large groups and work together to build dams.
Beavers are work animals. They build dams. To build dams they need trees. The dams the beavers build make ponds. Without these ponds, other animals could die. People eat some of these animals.
There are lots of interesting things about beavers. Did you know that a baby beaver is called a “Kit”? Kathy Martin James said, “Beavers are good swimmers. Their back feet are webbed.” She also said, “when it swims, a beaver uses it’s tail to turn.” Beavers have clear eyelids that cover it’s eyes when it swims. Also their nose and ears close so that water does not get it. Did you know a beaver’s life span is 24 years?
In conclusion, beavers are herbivores. Their main predator is an otter because they can get inside the lodge and eat the “kits”. Wolves are predators too.
This is my report on beavers. I think they are very interesting and cute!

Cheetahs by Esme


I chose to research the cheetah. The Hindu word chita means “the spotted one.” I decided to report on the cheetah because I love all of the big cats. A cheetah is one of my favorite animals. I already knew a couple of things about these big cats. First, I know that they are really fast. Also, that they are one of the big cats. They live Africa, and have lots of spots. The worst part is that they are endangered!
Cheetahs can grow up to 6 to 8 feet tall. They also can be 77 to 143 in weight.  Cheetahs can live up to 15 years in captivity. In the wild, the average cheetah life span is only 5 years. Some of the special features of cheetahs are the black spots in their fur. This helps blend in with the tall dry grass. Also, the T.V show Wild Kratts report that “ a baby cheetah has fur like a badgers so that it will not be eaten.”
Cheetahs are carnivores. They like to eat animals like antelope and hares. Also, they like eating wildebeests and gazelles.
The only continents that the cheetah lives on are Africa and a little bit of Asia. Some of the countries that the live in are, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, and Angola. They are protected in Etosa National Park in Namibia, Africa. The habitat that cheetahs live in is grasslands.
Cheetahs travel a lot during the day. National Geographic website says “ a cheetah can go up to 60 miles per hour in only three seconds.” The cheetah can can not roar instead it growls and purrs. Cheetahs often live alone or sometimes with their littermates (brothers and sisters).
Cheetahs affect people in 3 different ways. First, they were captured and used in racing games against greyhound dogs. Their fur has been used for clothing. Tourists love to see them in zoos and out on the wild safaris. None of these things are good for Cheetahs.
Cheetahs are very interesting animals. They are the fastest land animal, they go up to 70 miles per hour. Cheetahs also have amazing eyesight in daylight.  They normally hunt  in the day light. They only have to drink once every 3 to 4 days. Cheetahs are not as powerful as the other big cats. They are almost like huge house cats. The book Cheetahs by Gloria Schaepher states, “ the cheetah’s body is built for speed. It has long, thin, muscular legs, a narrow waist, a deep chest with large lungs, wide nasal cavities, and blunt claws- all of which help the animal move fast.”

In conclusion, I  learned the cheetah is a carnivore. I also learned that cheetahs have different colors when they are babies. Cheetahs cannot roar but, they do purr. Lastly, they can live alone or with their littermates.  

Elephants by Vanessa

I did research on elephants. I chose the elephants because they are my favorite animal. A little bit information about elephants are that people use their tusks for jewelry. Also, that they are endangered. Plus, they have long trunks.
In this paragraph I am going to about what elephants look like. Elephants are 8.2-13 feet tall. Baby elephants weigh 500 pounds, adult elephants weigh about 600-1400 pounds. All elephants are gray and their tusks are white. They have long trunks to drink water, and tusks to fight with.
Do you know what elephants look like? They are herbivores which means they only eat plants. Thier most favorite foods are berries, grass, and herbs. They also like grass. Kate Petty told, “ An elephant can drink 35 gallons of water in a day.”
Elephants live in not many different places. They live in Africa and Asia. Some of the countries are, Congo, Nigeria, Mali, Niger, Chad, Oman and, South Africa. Elephants also live in some parts of Asia.
In this paragraph I am going to talk about how elephants travel, how they live, and what sounds they make. Elephants walk around on the ground. Elephants make trumpeting noises. They only make trumpeting noises if they are excited or if there is danger and especially if they are drinking water. Elephants live in groups with their families. Adult male elephants do not live with groups.
I also learned how elephants affect people. They affect us because people make jewelry out of their tusks. Also, back then people used to kill elephants and eat them. They sometimes trample on people's crops in India and Asia.
Some of the interesting facts about elephants are that they hug by wrapping their trunks. Elephants are very playful. They also grow up to be 60-70 years old. They are very smart. Also, they have very large brains. Kate Petty wrote, “ People in India and other countries worship gods with elephant heads.”

In conclusion, I learned a lot about elephants. I learned how much an elephant weighs, which is 500-1400 pounds. I also learned how tall an elephant weighs, which is 8.2-13 feet. I learned how old an elephant is when they are old, which is 60-70 years old. Lastly, I learned that elephants do not eat meat.

Grizzly Bears by Dalton

Grizzly Bears

I chose a grizzly bear because I am interested in bears. Plus, I noticed their on the top of the food chain. So thats why I chose it.
Second, have you ever wonder what a grizzly looks like up close? Well, it weighs 800 pounds. It is 6 feet ( 2 meters ) tall. It has gigantic claws. It has typically brown fur.
Third, A grizzly eats: leaves,meat and fish. I once saw on TV a grizzly catch a deer, then it flipped it over a log and ate it.
Fourth, the grizzly bear lives in North America, in the alaskan wilderness, boy do I wish I was there.The grizzly bear may may live by a river but mostly in dens.
Fifth,  Even if you know but still walks or run on four feet. It kind of has a medium grunt roar. Mostly it has cubs or just alone. Or even in groups.
Sixth,  The grizzly bear could hurt humans or cattle. People use it and use it as a rug. A long time a go they killed them for no reason.
Seventh,  Sometimes they socialize to each other. They can hunt with just their nose. They also have a lifespan of twenty years. Some quotes from national geographic and this
‘’Amazing Animals’’  book. They said, ‘Grizzlys are solitary animals’, ‘ They are super fast’. ‘ Bears gather to fish.

In conclusion, I learned a lot from this report. I wondered how fast they are. Also, did they talk to eachother? what I gotta those were: Sometimes they socialize to each other. They have been recorded at 30 miles per hour. i hope you enjoy grizzly bears more. and protect them.

Dolphins by Rebekah

I did research on dolphins. I picked dolphins because they are amazing and very playful.                                                
I already know that are sea mammals. They can breath underwater for a very long time.  It has a blowhole to breath through when it is under the water. It lives in water, mostly oceans. They are in groups called pods.
The dolphins are 10 through 14 feet long.  Their weight is 1,100 pounds, most of the time.  Dolphins colors are gray and silver but, somethings light black. It has two flippers on each side. It has one fin on the top of it’s back. A blowhole on the forehead. Some have really long noses and sharp teeth or dull teeth.
Dolphins are a sea carnivores. It means that they are meat animals.They eat kinds of squid and small fish. They love and only eat meat. They just love eating meat.
I am going to talk about where they live.  They do not on a continent but, they live by north america. The oceans dolphins live in are Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. Their habitat is the ocean or the seas. Kids.nationalgeographic told me,”Some dolphins live in rivers in China, India, and South America.”
I learned how dolphins travel, sounds it makes,and how it lives. It travels in a pod while swimming. The sounds it makes are it squeaks, whistle, chirps and clicks etc….  How it lives is in a group not alone.  The group they travel in is called a pod.
Dolphins do not really affect people in a bad way. They affect people in a good way.  Dolphins play with humans and are very gentle.  Dolphins have saved people’s lives before.  They play with children. They are very playful.  They do not really affect people.  Here are interesting facts I found about dolphins. They are mammals in the oceans and seas.  Their life spain is 20 years to 40 years.  Their speed is 3-7 mphs and slower than a car.  They use body language to send messages.  Another word for it is called echolocation.  Livescience told me, “ Echolocation tells the dolphins the shape, speed, distance, and the location of the object.  “ Bottlenose dolphins send messages to one another in different ways.” Rita Ritchie and Patricia Corrigan wrote.
In conclusion, I learned a ton about my animal a dolphin. I wanted to know what it eats and it eats meat , squid, and small fish. Another question was are baby dolphins born alive or in eggs? They are born alive because their mammals. I was wondering do they squeak or whistle? They do both and chirp and click too. They use echolocation to call other dolphins. That is what I learned about dolphins.

All About The Amazing Panda by Lily

    All About The AMAZING Panda
I am going to tell you all that I learned about, and what I already know of the panda! I chose the panda because it looked very cute and cuddly. I know the panda is black and white. They are big, eats bamboo, and it is endangered. Did you know when a baby pandas are  born it does not look like a panda!
This is what a panda looks like. Their height is 5.3 - 6.2 feet. It weighs 165 - 300 pounds, now that is heavy! The color is black and white, but there is such thing as a red panda they are little and cute! Pandas teeth are REALLY sharp, I do not think you want to get bit by that YIKES! The reason why pandas teeth are so sharp is so they can grind their food, for instance bamboo.
What do pandas eat? Well pandas will eat bamboo shoots, leaves, and occasionally they will eat fish or other little animals. National Geographic said, “ to stay healthy pandas have to eat a lot. National Geographic also put on their web site” “ Pandas eat up to 5 percent of their body weight.” Did you know pandas are omnivores? Well now you know.
Do you know where pandas live? They Live in Asia. In Asia there is Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu Provinces. Those are what countries pandas live in. I think those countries have interesting names.
This paragraph will be on how they walk,what sounds they make, and how they live. The panda travels by crawling, waddling, and when they are babies they only crawl. The book baby pandas wrote “ pandas are really good at swimming.” Pandas make squeaking, huffing, barking, growling, noises,  but yet they can be interestingly quiet! The panda will either live alone or with another panda.
Did you know pandas are used as cloths? You are probably thinking what, but its true. That is why pandas are endangered! Poor pandas. People are mean and selfish and kill pandas just for cloths. Pandas are just like us they are a living thing! So DO NOT kill cute and innocent pandas. I wonder why people use pandas as cloths.
These are some interesting facts about pandas! They are really shy. They have the biggest molar teeth. Their teeth is larger than any carnivore. They eat fish and little animals.
This is what I wanted to know. Do they eat slow? Do pandas live in groups? Does it eat something else besides bamboo shoots? This is what I learned. They eat fast. It eats fish, leaves, bamboo shoots, and other little animals, ( it says this in paragraph three.) Pandas live in Asia.

Polar Bears by Emily Gines

Polar Bears
By: Emily Gines

For my animal report I am doing the Polar Bear.  I chose this animal because, when I was younger I loved Polar Bears.  Anyway, lets get started!
I am going to tell you what a Polar Bear looks like.  They are 8 feet tall and can weigh up to 1,600lbs.  The color of the Polar Bear is, white.  These are some of the Polar Bear’s features. They also have thick fur to keep them warm and sharp claws to grip onto the ice.
Some favorite food of the  Polar Bear are;  fish, salmon is its favorite, seals, watermelon and seaweed.  
The Polar Bear lives on a few different continents. Some of those are: North America and Eurasia.  Some countries the Polar Bear can be found in are; Canada and Greenland.  The special habitat of the Polar Bear is in Antarctica.  
The Polar Bear travels by walking on all four legs.  The Polar Bear has a very loud roar to scare predators away.  
The Polar Bear hunts alone unless they are hunting for fish.  
The Polar Bear is not allowed as a pet.  It is also not used as a work animal.  People do use the Polar Bear for food by hunting them and use the warm fur for clothing.  
Some interesting facts about the Polar Bear are; really good swimmers, its fur is used as camouflage when they are being hunted and when they are hunting and they can live up to 30 years old.  The Polar Bear also hunts near where it lives.  
I think the Polar Bear is a super cool animal.  And if they weren’t so big and dangerous I would totally have one as a pet!

The Great White Shark by Chase

The Great White Shark

I did research about the Great White Shark. I picked this animal because it is my favorite animal. I already know what it eats, how many teeth it loses, and how long it can survive without food. Great Whites are an amazing animal.
The Great White is gray and white in color. It can grow from 5 feet to 32 feet. The Great White can weigh anywhere from 1,500lbs to 4,500lbs. It has gray on the top of its body and white on the bottom, making it perfect for camouflage.
Great Whites will eat anything. Scientists once cut open a Great White and found deer antlers, a license plate, and a credit card. Great Whites favorite meal is a seal. Great Whites attack from below to catch their prey.
A Great White lives in the ocean and can be found in most parts of the world. It will not be found in cold water, which means it will not be found in either the arctic ocean or the antarctic ocean, but it will be near all the other continents with warm, temperate waters. But it must be salt water, it cannot survive in fresh water.
Now, I will tell you about how the Great Whites travel, what sounds they make, and how it lives. They move by using its powerful caudal (tail fin) to move swiftly through the water. The Great White does not make any sounds, not surprisingly. The Great White does not live in a shiver, also known as a group, it always lives alone.
The Great White effects humans by either eating humans or being eaten by humans. Humans like their taste and eat them in sushi. However, sharks will eat humans but usually because they have mistaken them for a seal. Sharks are also used as decorations. Humans like to collect their teeth and jaws.
Some interesting facts about the shark is that the mother Great Whites only see their pups as prey. Most sharks do not survive their first year because other bigger sharks may eat them. When a Great White loses its teeth another one grows back to replace it. It is like a conveyor belt. Once one tooth gets off there is always another one coming.
The National Geographic Kids once quoted “Sharks swallow food whole. They can last a month or two without another big meal.” Nancy Ellwood and Nancy Perish, who wrote Sharkpedia said, “Great Whites are a rare species.”  
In conclusion, I wanted to learn if sharks are mammals. Because they are born alive and swallow air. But they are not mammals, they are classified a fish. Another weird and scary fact is that Great Whites are born 5 feet long. I got most of my information from Sharkpedia, National Geographic Kids, and Shark Wikipedia.