Super Seahorses
Would you like to learn about super seahorses? Huh, what is that? No, not superheroes, they are just awesome! I already knew that they live in coral reefs in warm tropical waters, and that they swim upright. I wanted to know what they ate and how they reproduce. You might be wondering about them too. Read more and your questions will be answered.
Do you know what seahorses look like? Seahorses are 4-5 inches tall and weigh about 6-7 ounces. Sara Swan Miller says, “These seahorses are well camouflaged and blend in with their surroundings.” Their fins are so small and thin they are almost transparent!
A seahorse eats krill and shrimp. They are carnivores! I will bet you one dollar that you did not know they ate meat! Uhhhh . . . . . if you did know that I owe you one dollar.
They live all around North and South America in warm shallow waters. I could not find what countries they live in though. You could probably find them in the ocean in California, maybe, I do not know, probably. They get around by swimming through the ocean with very little fins.
Next up, what do seahorses sound like? This is weird, but they actually growl to scare their predators away. If you do not believe me, just see National Geographic! They live in groups called herds, just like horses! See a connection? Do you?
We capture them and put them in aquariums and sometimes we dry them for decoration! Some seahorses just get washed up on shore and get dried up by the sun and people find them, but still!
One interesting thing about them is that the male seahorse has the babies. Another interesting fact, they live up to 3 years old. Potbellied seahorses look like their pregnant, and when they are pregnant they are even fatter! Also, their scientific name is Hippocampus. Their little fin swishes over 35 times per second. There are over 40 different kinds of seahorses. They have over 100 babies. Sara Swan Miller says, “But seahorses have no stomachs. The food goes from the mouth to the intestine… If they are deprived of food even for a short time, they will die”
Now you know about seahorses! I think they are interesting. If you do not like seahorses still, I feel sorry for you because I love them.
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