Friday, April 17, 2015

All About The Amazing Panda by Lily

    All About The AMAZING Panda
I am going to tell you all that I learned about, and what I already know of the panda! I chose the panda because it looked very cute and cuddly. I know the panda is black and white. They are big, eats bamboo, and it is endangered. Did you know when a baby pandas are  born it does not look like a panda!
This is what a panda looks like. Their height is 5.3 - 6.2 feet. It weighs 165 - 300 pounds, now that is heavy! The color is black and white, but there is such thing as a red panda they are little and cute! Pandas teeth are REALLY sharp, I do not think you want to get bit by that YIKES! The reason why pandas teeth are so sharp is so they can grind their food, for instance bamboo.
What do pandas eat? Well pandas will eat bamboo shoots, leaves, and occasionally they will eat fish or other little animals. National Geographic said, “ to stay healthy pandas have to eat a lot. National Geographic also put on their web site” “ Pandas eat up to 5 percent of their body weight.” Did you know pandas are omnivores? Well now you know.
Do you know where pandas live? They Live in Asia. In Asia there is Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu Provinces. Those are what countries pandas live in. I think those countries have interesting names.
This paragraph will be on how they walk,what sounds they make, and how they live. The panda travels by crawling, waddling, and when they are babies they only crawl. The book baby pandas wrote “ pandas are really good at swimming.” Pandas make squeaking, huffing, barking, growling, noises,  but yet they can be interestingly quiet! The panda will either live alone or with another panda.
Did you know pandas are used as cloths? You are probably thinking what, but its true. That is why pandas are endangered! Poor pandas. People are mean and selfish and kill pandas just for cloths. Pandas are just like us they are a living thing! So DO NOT kill cute and innocent pandas. I wonder why people use pandas as cloths.
These are some interesting facts about pandas! They are really shy. They have the biggest molar teeth. Their teeth is larger than any carnivore. They eat fish and little animals.
This is what I wanted to know. Do they eat slow? Do pandas live in groups? Does it eat something else besides bamboo shoots? This is what I learned. They eat fast. It eats fish, leaves, bamboo shoots, and other little animals, ( it says this in paragraph three.) Pandas live in Asia.

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