Friday, April 17, 2015

Rabbits by Harrision

I am going to write about rabbits. I know rabbits are really quiet. It is fun to watch them run and play. They can even live in your backyard.
Rabbits are 2 feet tall and they are not that heavy. They should be 3-9 lbs. They are hard to spot because of their white and brown can blend into leaves. Other rabbits could be
smaller. Other rabbits are not taller than this.
Rabbits use their teeth to eat plants. They eat grass anywhere. They will eat hay from farms. Also, they eat other plants. They do not eat bugs!
They live in lots of places. You can find them in Mexico, United States and Canada. You can find them in deserts and grasslands too, even in your backyard! Now you can find them easy.
Rabbits travel by hopping. I do not think they walk. It’s best if they hop. Kangaroos hop just like rabbits. Other animals do walk.
They do not live in groups. I think they can get killed. They can get spotted and die because of groups. Birds high in the air can see them. Snakes on the ground get them too.
It affects people by scratching and biting. They can sneak and eat your crops.
People cannot catch them because they are fast. I do not know what else they can do.
What is interesting about rabbits is how fast they are for a little one. Their legs are strong to hop.
They are really quiet when they hop. They can also cool down with their ears. They are sneaky too. They are friendly if you are nice. They use their paws like a wash cloth to clean them.
If a rabbit thumps it means danger.

THE END      

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