Monday, April 20, 2015

Western Diamonback by Kohen

Western Diamondback

Hi my name is Kohen. My animal is Western Diamondback. Cool right. It weighs about 5 lb. How long it is 3-5 feet. They are black, gray and white. Features about my animal. Heavy bodied snake. It has a triangular shaped head. What it eats. Mice, rats, rabbits and gophers. Ground dwelling birds. lizard and small animal. Where it lives. The continents it lives in. It lives in north America. The Countries it lives in. It lives in a lot of places, like America, Mexico. Habitat it would live in grass land.
Next, How it travels. They can jump sometimes. They can go really really really fast. Sounds it makes.It sounds like a rattle. A big Western Diamondback has a loud loud rattle. Middle rattle : little snake. How it lives. Span 15-20 years. Alone not in groups. Size 3-5 feet long. Western Diamondback bathe in the sun. Their house is under a shrub and lots of things.

last of all, how it affects people. There are snake skin boots. They help people by eating mice and rats. They use snake poison to make medicine for snake bites. Here are some interesting facts. Rattlesnakes are poisonous. They are reptiles. They bite with poison. This is going to be awesome!!! A Western Diamondbacks rattle goes 60 times per second. The Western Diamondback is made of keratin.

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